About Me

Hi, I'm Krista. I’m deeply honored to be sharing this (digital) space with you! 

I’ve built a career in the trenches of nonprofit management and small business entrepreneurship, and I have been cultivating the growth of fundraising + marketing initiatives for over a decade.

I’m intimately familiar with the passion and urgency that informs every decision you make. I’m eager to share my skills and expertise to help nonprofit and small business partners find success. Whether it’s promoting a product you love, engaging with supporters and customers, or building a digital community, I want to help move your mission forward.

Do you need help raising funds for your organization?

Thinking of hiring someone to help with social media management?

Wish you had an extra set of hands to write content?

If you’re looking for someone who puts people first, I might be the right partner for you. I care deeply about my clients. When you share your hopes and aspirations with me, I feel your passion in my bones. I’m here to elevate your mission and engage your community to spark connection, conversations, and conversions.

I hope we get the chance to spark change together!

Why Spark Content?

I chose the name “Spark” for my business because it reminds me of the electrifying excitement I feel when working to advance a mission I care about. I know you’ve felt it, too... sparks fly when you are brainstorming, innovating, and optimizing.

All raging fires start with a spark.